Business by Referral Bootcamp


Please watch the Welcome Video

Important details regarding your upcoming BootCamp experience!

This event will be held via ZOOM at  (If it asks for a password it is BBR)

All live events will use this link.

Pre-Event CONTENT:  Business by Referral Foundations.  The essential lessons to preparing for the deeper work we'll be doing at the event!

3 Day Event - Date: February 11-13, 2021 from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm CDT each day.  Please be online and ready to go by 9:45 am each day so that we can start on time!

What to expect:

  • An intimate community of like-minded professionals to work by your side
  • Participate in a TEAM that will help you craft your clients by referral blueprint
  • Opportunities to “field test” your plan
  • Your own personal coach/facilitator throughout the entire event
  • Leave with an implementable PLAN for growing your business by referral!

How to Prepare

  • Make arrangements so that you can be 100% present for EVERY SESSION of the Bootcamp.  Put an autoresponder on your email.  Create an “out of office” message on your phone / text.  Create a plan with your family to free you up for the time of the workshop (meals, kids, other obligations)
  • Complete the pre-work content modules. You’ll be notified as soon as the modules become available.  As soon as you receive the email, be sure to log in and grab the pre-work!

Getting the MOST out of your experience:

  • Be fully present for each content module
  • Be on time returning after breaks
  • Join the Business by Referral Bootcamp FB group and introduce yourself!

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