Congrats! You’re in!
I’m so excited to welcome you to the Referral Engine and the Master Connectors community! Your confirmation email and login information will land in your inbox in the next 10-15 minutes.
Inside the Referral Engine, we are going to guide you, step-by-step, through the process for building a Referral Funnel that brings you on-demand prospects and referrals.
Before we get started, I would love to know exactly where you’re at in the process of building your own Referral Engine to create the best experience for you over the next 12 weeks.
So while you’re waiting for your login information, if you could take a moment to answer the question below:
What was going on in your life that made you decide the Referral Engine was right for you?
Be on the lookout for the email [Important] Welcome to the Referral Engine with your next steps!